

Abandoned cart recovery is a crucial aspect of eCommerce, particularly for WooCommerce stores, where converting potential customers into actual buyers is essential for maximizing revenue. This blog provides a detailed structure on how to use Klaviyo, a leading email marketing platform, to create effective abandoned cart recovery templates. By leveraging Klaviyo’s capabilities, businesses can implement automated email strategies to re-engage shoppers, reduce cart abandonment rates, and ultimately increase sales. The following sections will cover key elements such as crafting compelling subject lines, simplifying the checkout process, timing your emails effectively, collecting shopper email addresses, and learning from successful examples.

Crafting Compelling Subject Lines

One of the first things your customers see is the email subject line. A catchy subject line can grab attention and encourage shoppers to open the email. In a Klaviyo email template, it’s important to create a subject lines that stand out in crowded inboxes. For example, you could use questions like “Forgot Something?” or add a sense of urgency with “Your Cart is Waiting!” Including a discount offer in the subject line, such as “Save 10% on Your Order!” can also be effective. Data shows that subject lines with coupon codes have higher open rates. Use emojis to add a playful touch and make your emails more appealing. Focusing on compelling and creative subject lines increases the chances of your emails being opened and read, which is the first step in winning back lost sales.

Designing Eye-Catching Email Content

Once your customer opens the email, the content must grab their attention and motivate them to return to their cart. A well-crafted Klaviyo email template should include high-quality images of abandoned products, clear and concise product descriptions, and a strong call-to-action (CTA). For example, an email might feature a large, vibrant image of the product with a brief description highlighting its benefits, followed by a CTA button that says, “Complete Your Purchase.”

Including customer reviews or testimonials can also be powerful. For instance, a quote from a happy customer saying, “This product changed my life!” can provide social proof and encourage the shopper to complete their purchase. Additionally, mentioning any special offers or discounts in the email, such as “Use code SAVE10 for 10% off!” can provide an extra incentive.


Ensure that the CTA button links directly to their cart to make it easy for the customer. The design should be clean and uncluttered, focusing on the product and the action you want the customer to take. Using a visually appealing and informative Klaviyo email template increases the likelihood that shoppers will return to their carts and complete their purchases.

Timing Your Abandon Cart Emails

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your abandoned cart recovery efforts. Sending your emails too soon or too late can reduce their effectiveness. With a Klaviyo email template, you can automate the timing of your emails to ensure they reach customers at just the right moment.

For example, the first email could be sent two hours after the cart is abandoned. This email serves as a gentle reminder that the customer left something behind. A subject line like “Did you forget something?” can grab their attention. The second email might be sent 24 hours later, highlighting any limited-time offers or discounts. This could include a subject line such as “Your cart is waiting – get 10% off now!”

A third email can be sent 48 hours after the abandonment, emphasizing urgency or scarcity. For example, “Last chance to save your cart!” create a sense of urgency, encouraging the customer to act quickly. Each of these emails should include a clear CTA, directly linking the customer back to their cart.


By strategically timing your emails, you can maintain customer interest and increase the chances of recovering lost sales. Using a Klaviyo email template ensures that these emails are sent automatically and consistently, maximizing their impact.


In conclusion, using abandon cart recovery templates with Klaviyo is a powerful way to win back lost sales. These templates are designed to remind customers of the items they left behind, encourage them to complete their purchases, and offer incentives to sweeten the deal. A well-timed series of emails can make all the difference.

For example, an effective Klaviyo email template might start with a simple reminder: “You left something behind! Complete your purchase now.” The next email could offer a discount: “Get 10% off your order if you complete your purchase today!” The final email in the series might create a sense of urgency: “Last chance! Your cart items are selling fast.”

These templates do more than just remind customers—they engage them. Including images of the abandoned items, clear CTAs, and personalized messages helps to grab attention and drive action. With Klaviyo, you can easily set up these emails to be sent automatically, ensuring no abandoned cart is overlooked.

You can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates and boost your sales by leveraging Klaviyo email templates for your abandon cart recovery strategy. It’s a simple, effective way to ensure that potential sales are not lost, helping your business grow and thrive.