
Trading based on news is an investment strategy that capitalizes on the market’s reaction to news events. Traders who use this strategy make decisions based on news releases that can include a wide range of information such as economic reports, company earnings, political developments, or any other newsworthy events that can impact asset prices and market sentiment.

The premise behind news-based trading is that news can trigger volatility and significant price movements in the market. Traders aim to predict the market’s direction based on the nature of the news—whether it’s positive or negative—and execute trades to take advantage of the resulting price changes.

This type of trading requires quick access to news sources, the ability to rapidly analyze the potential impact of news on various markets or assets, and swift execution of trades. The effectiveness of news-based trading can be influenced by factors like the timing of the news release, market liquidity, and the trader’s ability to distinguish between news that will have a short-term versus a long-term effect on the market.

In the age of digital media and high-speed internet, news spreads quickly, and markets can react in seconds. Therefore, news-based traders often use automated systems to execute trades at a speed that is not possible with manual trading. These systems can scan the news and execute trades based on pre-defined criteria related to the news content.

For instance, traders can use systems like Bitsgap and launch bots in seconds as soon as the news reaches them. Although so far Bitsgap doesn’t offer a specific news-based trading bot, it’s still able to discern the prevailing market sentiment by analysing vast amounts of data and indicator signals to enter/exit trades strategically. Moreover, Bitsgap connects to as many as 15 top exchanges, so whether it’s the KuCoin Trade Bot that traders are after or Binance, Bitsgap has got it covered.

What Is News Based Intraday Trading?

News-based intraday trading in the cryptocurrency market involves executing trades within the same day, based on news events that can affect the prices of cryptocurrencies. Given the crypto market’s high volatility and 24/7 operation, news can have an immediate and profound impact on prices, making it a fertile ground for intraday traders who can capitalize on these swift movements.

Here’s what characterizes news-based intraday trading in the crypto space:

  • Market Sensitivity: Cryptocurrencies can be highly sensitive to news such as regulatory announcements, security breaches, technological advancements, or comments from influential figures in the industry.
  • Speed of Information: Crypto traders need real-time news updates and must be able to quickly assess the potential market impact, as the global and digital nature of cryptocurrencies means that news can come from any part of the world at any time.
  • Volatility: News events can trigger massive price swings in cryptocurrencies. Intraday traders exploit these short-term fluctuations to potentially make profits.
  • Decentralization: Because the crypto market is decentralized, news can affect different cryptocurrencies in different ways, and traders must understand the nuances of each coin or token they trade.
  • Trading Platforms and Tools: Traders often use advanced trading platforms that provide real-time news feeds, technical analysis tools, and automated trading features to efficiently execute trades based on news.
  • Risk Management: The amplified volatility in crypto markets means that managing risk with precise stop-losses and take-profits is even more critical to avoid substantial losses.
  • Strategy Adaptation: Traders must adapt their strategies for crypto-specific news such as hard forks, airdrops, or the launch of new blockchain platforms.
  • Global Market Hours: Unlike traditional markets, the cryptocurrency market operates 24/7, requiring traders to be vigilant about news around the clock or to use automated systems to trade on news they cannot personally monitor.
  • Liquidity: Certain news events can affect the liquidity of a cryptocurrency, making entry and exit positions more challenging. Traders must be aware of liquidity conditions as they execute their trades.
  • Sentiment Analysis: The use of sentiment analysis tools can be particularly beneficial in crypto trading, as the market is often driven by investor sentiment which can be influenced by news and social media.

In summary, news-based intraday trading in the crypto market is a dynamic and challenging strategy that requires traders to stay informed about the latest developments, maintain discipline in risk management, and be adept at quickly analyzing and acting on news that can impact cryptocurrency prices within the fast-paced environment of the digital asset markets.

What Are Some News Based Trading Strategies?

Due to cryptocurrency’s volatility, news announcements can trigger significant fluctuations — making news-based strategies highly effective. Some examples of approaches leveraging crypto news:

  • Event-Driven Trading: Traders anticipate price movements based on scheduled events such as hard forks, product launches, or updates in blockchain technology. They analyze previous similar events to predict potential outcomes and set up trades accordingly.
  • Regulatory News Trading: Government regulation news can have a significant impact on crypto markets. Traders monitor news regarding legal changes for cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and exchanges, then trade based on perceived consequences – buying on positive regulatory news and selling on negative regulatory announcements.
  • Economic Indicator Releases: Cryptocurrencies can react to economic indicators such as inflation rates, interest rates, and employment data. Traders may position themselves to profit from the reaction of crypto markets to these indicators, especially when they deviate from expectations.
  • Earnings Reports and Financial Statements: For cryptocurrencies with ties to companies or financial products, earnings reports and financial statements can impact their value. Traders analyze these reports to gauge performance and future prospects.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Using tools that gauge market sentiment on social media and news outlets can help traders understand the mood of the market. A sudden shift in sentiment, positive or negative, can be a trigger for entering or exiting trades.
  • High-Frequency Trading (HFT): Though not accessible to most retail traders, HFT uses algorithms to execute a large number of orders in fractions of a second, often capitalizing on news releases before human traders can react.
  • Scalping: This strategy involves making numerous trades over the course of the day to profit from small price changes, often immediately after news releases.
  • Contrarian Trading: Some traders take a contrarian approach by looking for overreactions to news. They might buy when there is an excessive sell-off following negative news or sell when a price surge seems to be an overreaction to positive news.


  • Breakout Trading: Traders may use news to identify potential breakout points. For instance, if a positive news event pushes the price above a key resistance level, traders may enter long positions expecting the uptrend to continue.
  • Arbitrage: News can affect different exchanges in different ways, especially in a market as fragmented as crypto. Traders may exploit these inefficiencies by buying on one exchange where the news impact has been underpriced and selling on another where the reaction has been more pronounced.
  • Risk Event Trading: This involves tracking upcoming news events that are expected to have a large impact on the market, such as elections or trade deal negotiations, and taking positions based on expected outcomes.

Implementing these strategies requires a thorough understanding of the crypto market, access to real-time news sources, and the ability to quickly analyze and act on news-related information. Additionally, because the crypto market can be unpredictable, it’s crucial for traders to employ strong risk management practices when engaging in news-based trading.

Is News Trading Profitable?

News trading can be profitable, but it is not without its challenges and risks. Here are some factors to consider when assessing the profitability of news trading:

Potential for Profit:

  • Volatility: News can cause significant price volatility, creating opportunities for traders to buy low and sell high or vice versa in a short period.
  • Predictable Reactions: Certain news items, such as earnings reports or economic data releases, can lead to somewhat predictable market reactions, allowing traders to position themselves accordingly.

Challenges and Risks:

  • Speed of the Market Reaction: Markets can react to news almost instantaneously, especially in today’s digital age where information spreads rapidly. This means traders need to be very quick to capitalize on opportunities.
  • Access to Information: Institutional traders and professionals may have faster access to information and more sophisticated technology to act on news than retail traders, putting the latter at a disadvantage.
  • Market Noise: Not all news is impactful, and distinguishing between significant news and mere noise is crucial. Sometimes the market may not react to news as expected, or the direction of the move may be difficult to predict.
  • Slippage: Especially in highly volatile situations following news releases, traders may experience slippage, where there is a difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed.
  • Risk Management: The same volatility that can provide profit opportunities also increases the risk of loss. Effective risk management strategies are critical to protect against significant losses.

Strategies for Mitigating Risks:

  • Quick Execution: Utilizing trading platforms that offer rapid execution can help in entering and exiting trades at desired prices.
  • Stop-Loss Orders: Placing stop-loss orders can limit potential losses if the market moves against the trader’s position.
  • Limit Orders: Using limit orders to enter positions can help manage the price at which a trader is willing to buy or sell.
  • Diversification: Not putting all capital into a single news-based trade can protect against adverse market moves.

Psychological Factors:

  • Emotional Discipline: News trading often requires quick decisions under pressure, which can lead to emotional trading. Maintaining discipline is essential for success.
  • Overtrading: The excitement of news events can lead to overtrading, resulting in high transaction costs and increased risk.

Profitability Over Time:

  • Consistency: While individual news trades can be profitable, consistent profitability over time is challenging and requires a well-thought-out strategy, experience, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Backtesting: Traders often backtest their news trading strategies against historical data to refine their approach and increase the likelihood of profitability.

In summary, news trading can be profitable for those who are well-prepared, have access to timely information, and can execute trades quickly and efficiently. However, the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of news-based market reactions means that it also carries significant risk, and traders need to employ sound risk management to ensure long-term success.


In conclusion, news-based trading is a dynamic approach to the markets that utilizes the volatility and price movements caused by news events. It involves staying abreast of real-time news updates and economic events to make informed trading decisions. Strategies for news-based trading range from event-driven trading to sentiment analysis and high-frequency trading, each designed to exploit the immediate impacts of news on asset prices.

While news-based trading offers substantial opportunities for profit due to market volatility and predictable reactions to certain news types, it also comes with its fair share of risks. Traders must be aware of the speed at which markets can react to news, the potential for slippage, and the challenges of differentiating impactful news from market noise. Furthermore, the emotional discipline required and the avoidance of overtrading are crucial for success.

In this digital era, trading bots have become invaluable tools for news-based trading. They can either fully automate trading strategies, acting on predefined rules and executing trades within milliseconds of a news release, or assist in managing day-to-day trading operations, allowing traders to focus on strategy development and fine-tuning entry and exit positions. When deploying trading bots, it is essential to ensure they are programmed with an understanding of the nuances of news-based trading and are backed by robust risk management protocols.

Ultimately, the integration of trading bots in news-based trading can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of strategies, helping to navigate the complexities of the market and capitalizing on the opportunities that news events present. However, traders should remain vigilant, continually assess the performance of their bots, and remain engaged with market developments to ensure long-term success in the fast-paced world of news-based trading.