
Blackjack, a game that dates back to 1700, has a fascinating and debated origin. Some believe it originated in France, while others argue it was born in Spain. Despite this debate, there’s no denying how the game grew popular for centuries, creating all sorts of culture and etiquette that new and current players must follow.

Are you afraid of feeling out of place and making a mistake that may get you some sour looks? If so, you’ve arrived at the right website, as this page discusses the different do’s and don’ts at the blackjack table.

Don’t Hand Your Money to the Dealer

You must never hand the dealer your money. It’s nothing personal; it’s just one of the casino’s rules. You’ll even observe how, in online casinos, dealers don’t handle money because it’s one of the rules, and of course, it’s also automated.

When joining in-person real money Blackjack games at a casino, you would just have to wait for the current round to end, and then you can place your cash on the table. As you can see, you’re supposed to place them on the table and not directly to the dealer since the dealer would spread your money and count them while there are cameras before sliding the equivalent chips to you.

If you aren’t sure how many chips you want, you can just ask and tell your dealer that you can have this specific amount of chips to purchase.

Do Hold Your Cards With One Hand

Many make the mistake of holding their cards with two hands, but it’s recommended that you hold them with just one. This is not just a suggestion but a way for you to contribute to the smooth flow of the game.

Holding cards with one hand helps maintain the game’s pace and follow the casino’s etiquette. It ensures the dealer and other players can see your actions. This practice also prevents suspicion of cheating and keeps the game fair and enjoyable.

Don’t Say Your Decision, Signal It

Many first-timers make the mistake of saying their decision instead of signaling it, which is a grave mistake since players must use their hands to stand or hit. Since we know there are cameras, the casino, and players must capture your decision. If you aren’t entirely confident about the different hand signs, you can ask your dealer to show them and teach you.


For example, to indicate a ‘hit,’ you can tap the table with your finger. To indicate a ‘stand,’ you can slide your cards under your chips. These hand signals are universally recognized in blackjack games.

Do Tip The Dealer

Even if you lose money, you should always tip your dealer. It can be during the game or when you leave the table; this is already a custom in casinos. You may wonder how you can do this if you can’t hand your dealers money.

To tip your dealers, just place the money or chips on the table for tipping. The key here is to be transparent to the dealer about what the money is for. You may also make an extra bet from your original bet, and when you win that bet, the dealer gets to keep it as a tip. Again, you would have to be clear about this to the dealer. Remember, tipping is a way to show appreciation for the dealer’s service, and it’s a common practice in casinos.

Don’t Touch The Dealt Cards That Are Facing Up

When playing blackjack, you’ll notice that cards are facing up. These are cards that players aren’t allowed to touch. This rule is in place to ensure the fairness of the game and to prevent any suspicion of card manipulation. You can indicate your decision through signals if you want to hit or stand for another card.

Remember that the only person at the table who can remove or alter anything is the dealer from the location of the cards and chips.

Do Switch off Your Phone

When you play in physical casinos, they may ask that you switch off your phone or put it in Do Not Disturb. The restrictions would differ. However, it’s respectful and encouraged that you turn off your phone and not use it on the table, especially blackjack, since it may disturb the other players and the dealer.


If it’s urgent and you have to answer a call, kindly step back from the table and make your conversation on the phone as brief as possible since other players and the dealer would have to wait on you for your decision when it’s your turn.

Final Thoughts

Whether online or offline, blackjack has a set of rules and etiquette that players must follow. It dates back to 1700, which explains why it has a strict set of etiquette and netiquette to respect the game and the casino.

By following the items above, you can rest assured that the looks you get won’t be because you’ve made a big “don’t” on the table but a look of celebration as you’ve beaten the dealer. Of course, only one can hope. So, continue trying your best to study blackjack, its rules, and strategies. This will not only help you understand the game better but also increase your chances of winning.