You can now get FREE accounts for .Edu email domains. In this post I will show you how to get free .edu email accounts and how to use it.
If you’re considering going back to school, get ready to receive a ton of offers from your favorite schools. They’re finally up and running, and they’re going to send you tons of emails you can sign up for. There are two ways you can get these emails, and they’re both free.
You need to get a unique, free email address to register. If you go to a free email account provider that provides free email addresses, you can still use it to register for free email from another provider. The free email providers don’t allow registration from their own email addresses, so you’ll need to use a unique email address. Edu Email. Read more about free edu email 2021 and let us know what you think.

For example, when you become a student at a university or college, you get an .edu email account in your name. B. your-name@mit.edu. But if you’re not a student and feel like you need an .edu email address, then this article is for you. And yes, this method is 100% free and it works.
What are the advantages of .edu email?
Here are some of the benefits of sending emails with a .edu address.
1. GitHub student developer package
The first and greatest benefit of a .EDU email address is the GitHub Student Developer Pack, the best free development tools and services for students. This student package includes 12 free offers and services you can take advantage of, such as. B. a $15 Amazon AWS voucher, a $50 Digital Ocean voucher, and more.
If you plan to sign up for the GitHub student package on .edu, stop here. You don’t have to go through all the articles. Read question 2 in the FAQ. We’ll take care of everything.
See the list below:
- Amazon AWS voucher for $15
- Digital Ocean gift card for $50. It expires within 12 months of being added to your account – new accounts only.
- Bitnami: Offers a one-year Business 3 plan that normally costs $49 per month.
- Flower of the crowd: Access to the Crowdflower platform.
- DNSimple : Offers a personal hosted DNS plan for two years that normally costs $5 per month.
- GitHub: Provides unlimited private storage for as long as you are a student. GitHub typically charges a $7 per month membership.
- 25 HackHands credit, live programming help available 24/7.
- A suite of Microsoft Azure cloud services and development tools: Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Community and the rest of Microsoft’s development tools while you’re a student.
- NameCheap.com: An annual registration of a .ME domain name costs $18.99 per year – and an annual SSL certificate costs $10 per year.
- Arrange access to a developer account that costs $49 per month as long as you are a student. It is a comprehensive portfolio of databases including search, event time series queries, geolocation and graphs via API.
- SendGrid: Offers a student plan with 15,000 free emails per month as long as you are a student.
- Travis CI: Access to private buildings that you pay $69 per month for while you study.
2. Amazon Student Package
If you use a .EDU email account and sign up for an Amazon student account, you can use that email account for free to get six months of Amazon Prime, which has many benefits:
- Free DOUBLE-DAY shipping on many Amazon products.
- Enjoy unlimited instant streaming of movies, TV shows and music.
- Get access to exclusive offers for students.
- Unlimited photo storage with Amazon Prime Photos.
3. LastPass
LastPass is offering six months of LastPass Premium to all users with a .EDU email address.
4. Newegg Premier
Get a year of Newegg Premier, it will cost you $50. Just sign up for a Newegg Premier account with your student email account.
5. Apple
With an .EDU email address, you can save a lot of money when buying Apple products. It is possible to save up to $200 on Apple computers.
6. Microsoft DreamSpark
Get Microsoft DreamSpark with many useful programs and a free subscription to Microsoft Office 365.
The list of benefits of .edu emails is not limited to that, there are many other benefits such as free domain name and many more.
Now let’s get to the real issue. How to get a free .edu email address. Follow these steps carefully to create a free .edu email account. This manual consists of three parts. You can skip the second part (if you like).
Also read : Get a free subscription to Office 365 A5 | 2020
Updated 2021 methodology: (Method 1) To receive free edu-emails
Getting email in 2021 seems like a daunting task, but there are still some universities that offer edu email. Just follow the article and you’ll get the .edu email address at the end of the article.
- Follow this link and click on Register as a newstudent.
- Then click on Step One Apply and then on CCCApply. The site uses the CCCApply portal to deliver .edu emails, so you must first create a CCCApply account.
- If your application is accepted on the CCCApply website, you will receive an .edu email. I received my letter within three hours of my request. The proof is below.
- Message: If you have trouble logging into your account, you may have to reset your password several times.
Log into the .edu email address in Outlook.
If you are still having trouble creating a CCCApply account, don’t worry: follow the video below.
Create a CCCApply account and request a free .edu email address for the video:
Method 2
Here’s another way to work before 2021 to get free emails for education. This method was shared by our Telegram member We are proud that such users share high-level methods/techniques. This method of getting your .edu email address is very simple, and you should be able to get it within 3 days. (Due to this COVID situation, application processing times may vary, so it may take some time).
Without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter.
- Start by connecting to the US IP address. You can use both paid and free VPNs to do this. I am using Express VPN to write this article.
- Follow this link to apply to Illinois Central College.
- You will see different data that you can enter in the field. You can recall the data to be entered from the OLD METHOD section. Find out all the details and enter what is needed.
Message: The student must be over 21 years of age. Please take this into account when entering this data.
- When you have entered all the information, click Next Step.
- You can use any US address for the address. (You can use an Illinois address for best results. This article uses the Florida address to show that any address can work).
- You will be asked for certain information, for example B. Your telephone number and e-mail address. For email, enter your own email address that you have access to. It sends all Edu email data to the email address you provide, so it’s best to use your own primary email address. Enter a random number in place of the phone number or use VOIP numbers from websites such as text now and Twilio.
- Once you have entered all the information, click the Next Step button. He will ask general questions. You can use random answers or select answers using the old method. (We recommend you use the answers from the old method or follow the answers in this article).free email edu method 2
- After this phase, the academic part is very important. You need to be more careful in your decisions. An incorrect selection may result in rejection and you will not receive a .edu email. If you did not receive an email from edu on your first attempt, you will need to switch programs and submit a new application. You can also change the time you come to class. (I used a random course for the example, there is no guarantee that you will receive an email from that course. )
- Choose a university and a class.
Message: There should be no more than one year between the date of application and graduation.
- After you have entered all these details, you are at the end of the process. Now just select I confirm ……. And click send. You will be asked to reconfirm your registration. Simply confirm your submission again by clicking Submit Article.
That’s it for this method. You have successfully applied to Central Illinois College. You just have to wait for an answer from the university. We received a reply from the university within 3 days and on the 3rd day we received a reply from the university. Day managed to get a free email address for college. I hope you get the same from the university.
Don’t you have time? Click here to purchase the edu email for only $5.
An email address ending in .edu is available for as little as $5. And I think it’s better to spend that money than to waste my precious hours. CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Method 3
- Open this page to register and send an email to .edu.
- Click on Start and apply NOW with CCCApply! Or just click on this link]
- If you already have a CCCApply account, simply create an account or click Sign In. I assume you all have a CCCApply account, since you’ve all already applied for a free .edu email address at a university.
- When creating an application, look at the screenshots below to see what you need to fill out. If you are already registered, you can use the same storage profile.Follow exactly the steps in the image above to receive your Outlook email within 12 hours. Cheers.
Now you have a free copy. Email .edu. You can access this email through Outlook.
Method 4 (Method 5)
This method was developed by @L00n1, so a big round of applause to one of our Telegram channel members who shared this knowledge. This method also works Since the article was already too long, I just give a link to fill in the university details in the same way as the link above to the university :
Note – You must be connected to a US IP and provide a temporary address in Illinois. You must not be older than 21.
Don’t forget your SSN number, you’ll need it to log in once you receive your student email. The email will be activated within 3 days.
Method 5
The sixth method is that of Fortscott University. They do not provide edu-emails during COVID because their registration system must be closed. But if the cases of COVID decrease, you can enroll at this university. This university’s emails work anywhere and are easy to create. It may take a week for the university to respond.
I don’t know if they already offer services, but they will probably start distributing edu-emails soon. If you read this article other than 2021, you can try, you might get an edu letter. I’ve attached a video to this email that you can watch :).
This is the end of this manual. With this, you’ve successfully created a free .edu email address. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and if you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with your friends.
Email FAQs for
- Is it legal to use e-mails from educational institutions in this way?
Years: We will not dispute that it is perfectly legal to create an edu email in this way. But that’s not all wrong either. So it’s somewhere between legal and illegal.
- Can we let Github students use these emails?
Yes, you can get Github student benefits from your edu email address. But for many, to get a free .edu email address or an .edu email address you created using some of the methods we covered, GitHub may ask for verification. This verification requires providing a student number associated with the .edu email address. Since we do not have such cards, the request may be denied.
- Does this mean we can’t become GitHub students ourselves?
If you just want to get the GitHub student package, you can do so without providing a university email address. Yes, you’re not wrong, you can become a GitHub student for free without having an .edu email address. To do this, log on to GitHub with your Gmail account. Go to the Student Benefits Portal and register. You will be asked to provide proof of your education (you may present your eleventh or twelfth grade diploma, your ID card, or your transcript). Message: The name of these documents should match the name of the GitHub account you created and the Gmail account you created.
You’re always worried because you don’t have a transcript and all. We have already shared this post on our Telegram channel, you can open it.
- I created the university email address, but my friend is buying the .edu email address from a vendor. What’s the difference between the two?
There is no difference between these accounts. The seller also creates an account, as in the method described above. You can obtain various scripts for creating bulk mail online or create your own scripts for creating bulk accounts using Python. (which we strongly advise against, as this will lead to spam and the university will then stop sending emails).
If you don’t have time to draft emails and need a large number of emails, we can take care of you. At the top of this article you will find a link to the shop.
- I’ve tried all the methods but none of them work?
If you’ve tried all the methods above and can’t create an account, don’t panic and don’t post snide comments. Please let us know that not all the listed methods work. We will work and find a new method.
- I got an email from edu. How many years will this work?
The answer to these questions depends on the university. Some media accounts last about 4 years, others may expire after 6 months.
- What are the advantages of a free .edu e-mail address?
We already mentioned the advantages of .edu emails above. In brief, the benefits are as follows.
- Free .tech domains or any other name.com domain
- Free amazon premium account for six months
- Developer package for Github students
- Six months subscription for the last free subscription
- A free premium subscription to Newegg for one year
- Up to $200 off Apple, Microsoft and more.
Message: For students, I found an excellent website for writing an essayThe .Edu email is a free, 20-day trial of the edX online learning platform. This is a huge opportunity to learn online by doing, and it is completely free to join!. Read more about free edu email reddit and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a free .edu email 2021?
It is not possible to get a free .edu email address.
How do I get an EDU 2021 email?
You need to go to the website and create an account. You need to go to the website and create an account.
What free stuff can I get with a .edu email address?
Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email accounts to students and faculty. Some universities offer free email
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