The phrase “full-stack development” is broad and encompasses all phases of software development, including project management, front-end, and back-end technologies, database management systems, and quality assurance. While the back-end, a server-side technology, handles user authentication, database interactions, logic, and server authentication, to mention a few, the front-end technologies are the interfaces you engage in.

Let’s dig deep and analyze the front-end and back-end technologies on the layers of the different programming languages and frameworks utilized and taught in the Full Stack developer course.

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Frontend Technologies

The frontend technologies that are most frequently utilized include:

1. Any website creation process starts with HTML. It is the foundation for converting text into graphics, tables, and links. HTML5 is the most recent version of HTML.

2. JavaScript is a scripting language that adds dynamic and engaging effects to HTML sites to improve their visual appeal. It is frequently found in HTML code.

3. An open-source structural framework for creating dynamic online applications, stunning web interfaces, and high-volume, high-performance applications, AngularJS is based on JavaScript.

4. Node JS is an open-source server-side framework for creating scalable, event-driven applications based on the JavaScript programming language.

5. We can effectively create dynamic user experiences thanks to Facebook and Instagram’s ReactJS, a quick and adaptable JavaScript toolkit.

6. Microsoft created the component-based scripting language known as Visual Basic Script.

7. jQuery is a succinct and quick JavaScript library that simplifies client-side scripting for HTML. It may speed up website development by making event handling, HTML document traversal, Ajax interactions, and animation easier.

8. In addition to possible JavaScript extensions, Bootstrap includes HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface elements.

Back-end Technologies

As mentioned in the introduction, back-end or server-side technologies are in charge of the site’s functionality updates and modifications. The back-end programming languages that are most demanding are:

1. The most widely used language for web development in PHP, which has syntax relatively close to C and Java. Zend Framework and Symfony are the two most well-known and traditional PHP frameworks.

2. Python is probably meant to have clean code and is highly tested; it has a simpler syntax than PHP. Python’s Django framework is the most widely used.

3. Ruby, a pleasant language by design, is frequently referred to as a programmer’s best friend. Ruby was used to building Twitter. The most well-known Ruby framework is called “Ruby on Rails.”

4. Many of Scala’s design choices are intended to be brief and try to address Java’s critics. The Java platform is used by the object-oriented language Scala.

5. JavaScript code is executed server-side using the open-source, cross-platform runtime environment known as Node.js. The most popular use is to create real-time Web APIs.

Database Management System

The most utilized DBMS for websites is MySQL. SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2 are the alternative brand names in the database industry.

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Quality Assurance

The duties of testing and quality assurance are also part of full-stack development. During this phase, engineers supervise the development process from beginning to end and examine potential security issues and program defects.

Among the top Job guarantee courses in 2022, the full-stack developer course is a top choice. The growth of start-up businesses and SMEs is responsible for this increase in employability. They frequently have a limited budget and look for developers who can handle the complete development process alone.