
We are in a data boom. We aren’t just passively producing it, anymore. We aren’t letting a single byte of data fall to the wayside. Whether it’s being used to train AI tools, or help businesses make informed decisions with real-time analytics, data is being put through the paces.

If your business doesn’t currently have a robust data strategy in place, then you’re at risk of falling behind. Companies that don’t start leveraging every iota of data that they produce are going to be outpaced by the AI-forward brands that put all their focus into innovation.

This doesn’t mean that you need to mine your system for data. There are still privacy laws and security concerns to contend with, after all.

It does mean that you need to start using your data effectively.

Of course, if you have multiple applications, each producing and analyzing data, you may struggle to get those systems to talk to one another, much less compile their information together.

The problem only worsens if you add other data sources, like the services you subscribe to, the servers you access, and the user data you have collected.

There are so many individual systems out there, and you may be using dozens, if not hundreds, of them to keep your business running. How do you get all of those systems to play nice enough for you to actually use your data?

You use an integration platform as a service (iPaaS).

What is an iPaaS?

So, what is an iPaaS? It’s a simple cloud-based solution that works to connect all your systems together. It’s a bridge between networks, services, servers, and data sources. If you have some systems on the cloud and others stored in computers, then don’t worry. IPaaS also works to connect offline and online data sets so that you can finally start enjoying these benefits:

  1. Faster data analysis
  2. More in-depth insights
  3. Streamlined workflows
  4. Systems-wide automation

What are the Key Features of iPaaS?

IPaaS solutions offer their customers a wide range of features that make integrating all your different systems together a breeze. Since it is cloud-based, you can easily add the solution anywhere you need, which makes adopting iPaaS a walk in the park even if you have multiple departments, branches, or even businesses to connect.

Pre-Build Connectors

The reason why iPaaS systems are so effective is because they come with a library of pre-built connectors.


This way, they can quickly and easily connect to the most popular (and most likely) systems that you already use without a hitch. These pre-sets let you essentially plug and play into digital applications.

Data Transformation

One of the big challenges in getting multiple systems to work together is if the datasets themselves are incompatible. That’s why iPaaS also works to transform data into a standardized language. This way, the data is consistent and usable across every single connected application and, more importantly, can be compiled and used all at once inside an AI, automation program, or analytics system.

Real-Time Syncing

Remember the days when you had to physically port over data? What about when you had to wait hours to get a big file from one computer to another? With iPaaS, you prep your system for real-time data synchronization.

This means that all your systems will instantly have access to the same data, so your order fulfilment team is working with the same information as your marketing team. Real-time syncing reduces errors, and speeds up processes, making it a win-win.

Security and Compliance

The more data we have, the more regulations are going to be implemented to protect people, governments, and businesses. One of the key security risks that puts data at risk of being stolen or non-compliant is how it’s stored and sent. Thankfully, iPaaS solutions have many built-in security features, like data encryption and access controls, to protect data.

These solutions also produce audit trails automatically, so if an auditor comes your way, you can easily prove your compliance without a hitch.


Every business needs to embrace automation, even the smallest one-person operations. For large enterprises, it’s not just a competitive advantage—it’s essential for survival. However, automating across systems, especially when they come from different providers, can be challenging. iPaaS solutions help by standardizing data, which prepares your entire system for seamless automation. While additional automation tools and software may be necessary, with all relevant data flowing smoothly, you can easily implement complex automation protocols, minimizing the need for manual intervention from your team.


Data is only going to increase. This means that your methods of using that data need to be inherently scalable and ready to go. Thankfully, iPaaS is. Since it’s cloud-based, you can add or reduce the processing power you need to suit your business on a flexible schedule.

This is massive for large enterprises since it lets them increase capabilities if necessary. In some cases, however, you may find that you need to reduce your capabilities.


 IPaaS goes hand-in-hand with optimizing your system, so you may find some applications are just no longer needed and can be retired.

Thanks to the flexibility of iPaaS, you have the freedom and control.

What You Need to Get Started

The beauty of iPaaS is that it works with your existing system. You don’t need to retire older legacy systems; you can instead link them up. This means that all you need to get started is the right platform. You can get a specific iPaaS system or enjoy it as part of a wider integration suite. Either way, start in segments. Link up your essential systems first, smooth out the kinks, and only then will you want to add the next batch of applications.

To help you get started, follow these broad steps and customize them to suit your individual business:

  1. Set out your integration goals: Identify which systems you want to integrate and organize their priority (essential systems first).
  2. Train to use your chosen iPaaS: Once you have an iPaaS chosen and have created an account, you’ll then need to train yourself and your team on how to use it correctly and (most importantly) consistently.
  3. Connect your systems: Once trained, you’ll configure the connectors and adaptors so you can connect your legacy systems to your current infrastructure.
  4. Design integration flows: Use your iPaaS’ built-in tools or interface to create your own integration flows. This means deciding how data is transformed, routed, and used with your wider system.
  5. Test, monitor, and improve: Finally, test your system, monitor your efforts, and work on improving your approach.

It takes time to set up your system properly. Slow and steady, and you’ll be using your data more effectively before you know it.