Have you just started your new business? Do you only work in the office or do you also work on the road? If you are on the road, you probably work from a place where there is WiFi, for example B. in hotels, cafes, restaurants and at airports. However, this can be a problem because WiFi is not safe in public places.

If you think that cyber criminals are not interested in your data, you cannot make any further mistakes. Hackers may attempt to gain access to your personal information and that of your customers.

Therefore, small business owners should use a virtual private network (VPN) to hide their network traffic. A VPN can set up a private network for you, giving you an extra layer of protection when accessing information via the Internet.

But even VPNs aren’t as safe as everyone thinks. This week, several U.S., German, French and Swiss law enforcement agencies seized the domains and servers of three VPN providers. These VPNs have been active for more than 10 years and provide services to cyber criminals.

We think all three of them were operated on by the same person. The VPN advertising has been widely distributed on Russian and English cybercrime forums running on Darknet. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, VPNs are often used by ransom gangs, data phishers and other hackers to hide their true identity.

We therefore recommend that you conduct a thorough investigation before choosing a VPN service. Let’s look at some of the factors recommended by the experts for selecting a VPS provider.

Secure communication protocols

Think of a VPN service as a tunnel that connects you to the data you access online. Because it is a closed tunnel, no one else can see your data or the information to which you have access. However, the safety of the tunnel depends on the protocols used by the service provider.

PPTP used to be a popular option, but it’s not as safe as it used to be. Search for service providers offering L2TP/IPsec or OpenVPN. OpenVPN is often considered to be the best, but does not support smartphones. So if you need a VPN for smartphones or tablets, you need L2TP/IPsec.

Do you use the iPhone? Try this VPN for iOS via private Internet access.

Unregistered directive

You use a VPN so no one can track or control your online activity. This means that your ISP or other third party should not be able to monitor your online behavior. However, their VPN providers have access to this data, which means that if they keep a log, anyone can hack into their mainframe to access this data.

This is particularly the case if the VPN service is located in a country with 5, 9 and 14 eyes where they are legally obliged to provide data for government supervision. So look for a service provider that guarantees a non-blocking policy. This way you can be sure that the VPN does not store data that could be stolen in case of a security breach.

Beware of false VPN

When you choose a VPN, you rely on the service provider to ensure the security of your data. So it’s easy for crooks to exploit your trust. So, if you want to choose a VPN service provider, visit reputable websites where you can read reviews about the providers you have selected. So you can choose a secure and reliable VPN that fits your budget.

Avoiding free VPNs

As a new business owner, you may be tempted to use a free VPN. However, we strongly advise against it. VPN providers, like any other company, have to make money. So if they don’t make money from their customers, they can sell your data to someone else.

The loss of your company data can cost you a lot of money. It is therefore preferable to pay a few dollars per month for a paid VPN that provides a quality service. Most of them offer discounts when you buy their annual plans.

As the Internet is essential to any business today, homeowners must rely on publicly available Wi-Fi services when on the move. A secure VPN can ensure that your company data remains secure when you access the Internet via a private or public WiFi network. However, not all VPNs are equally secure. So you need to consider these factors before choosing a VPN for your business needs.

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